On the occasion of the international “stop food waste day”, Afpa, the French LIFE FOSTER partners, hosted a cooking challenge on the live social network Twitch. Twitch is a popular online service for watching and streaming digital video broadcasts. Frédéric, Afpa’s cookery trainer, took it upon himself to create recipes from ingredients that are normally thrown away. These included broccoli stalks, a chicken carcass and banana skins. All these ingredients were used to prepare a meal for 2. The aim of this live online show is to educate the general public, as well as professionals, about ways of using ingredients which are usually thrown out. Through research, we know that 10.5 million tons of food fit for consumption is thrown away each year, from the food service industry alone. This amounts to nearly 18 billion meals. The fight against this waste constitutes an environmental, economic and social issue. Therefore, the LIFE FOSTER project, together with its partners, aims at reducing this waste by educating and training the industry, tomorrow’s workers and the general public. Click on the following link to watch the cooking challenge – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/495369146. the Video is in French. The trainers created two meals out of the scraps available; these were broccoli ravioli and banana cake, made with banana skins and not the banana itself, which is something we are not usually accustomed to. Ravioli pasta: 200g of fine wheat semolina For the Stuffing: 1 stalk of broccoli + leaves chicken bones 3 banana skins Ingredient of your choice to give taste to the preparation Afpa, the French LIFE FOSTER partners, host a live cooking show
to demonstrate three recipes created using scraps.HERE ARE THE INGREDIENTS FOR THE VARIOUS RECIPES
2 eggs
4 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cc of salt
1 clove of garlic
10 sprigs of parsley
1 small bunch of chives
6 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of peanut paste
salt and pepper
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
2cm of ginger
the leaves of 2 celery stalks
1 bay leaf
3 peppercorns
1 tablespoon coarse salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
50g of butter
100g of sugar
1/2 sachet of yeast
2 eggs
15cl of milk
180g of flourCreating your own meal out of scraps?
Tag the #LifeFoster project and show us what you have managed to cook!
23 October 2019
Creating delicious meals from scraps
