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11 February 2022
Rasim Hamzi
Rasim Hamzi "Costanza,impegno,creatività,rispetto per la materia prima."
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12 February 2022
Iginia Carducci
Iginia Carducci "Our menu is based on traditional dishes and suggests seasonal recipes. We chose years ago to support local agriculture and valorise forgotten products and local"
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12 February 2022
Andrea Vallini
Andrea Vallini "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste consists in learning good sustainable practices and disseminating them to students during school training moments"
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12 February 2022
FABIO FORANTE "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is to inform and train my students on this topic and to have a daily commitment on this topic in my life, avoiding food waste."
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12 February 2022
Filippo Pirola
Filippo Pirola "Comprare solo frutta e verdura di stagione, pensare prima di comprare un alimento a come utilizzare un ipotetico scarto"
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12 February 2022
Aurora Tonghini
Aurora Tonghini "Per ridurre lo spreco alimentare faccio porzioni che so che mangerò , compro cibi lontani dalla data di scadenza e compro solo cose che mi piacciono "
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love food reduce waste
LIFE FOSTER consists entirely of direct and indirect actions aimed at raising awareness about the problem of food waste and optimal food storage.